Solidarity finance
Microfinance links up savers who want to invest in activities with strong social benefits and project initiators who do not have enough access to conventional funding. Its main function is to help the poor and excluded, and is now widely recognized as a lever for development that contributes to the fight against poverty. The fact that it has a dual purpose means that it should be able to balance both social and financial performance. The institutionalization of MicroFinance Institutions (MFIs) and strong pressure exerted on funders to focus on short-term profitability have often led the sector to give financial results priority over the creation of social ties and social capital among the destitute.
Because solidarity finance centres on human beings and their social ties, it serves as a tool for human and social development. It seeks to reach the poor and excluded, promote the creation of “decent” jobs by supporting small-scale businesses, adapt services to customers, increase the benefits for them and their families and guarantee MFIs’ responsibility towards their employees, customers, the community and the environment. It is a particularly efficient form of finance, since it takes into account existing social situations and strengthens their stability, and is less vulnerable to change and crises, a not inconsiderable advantage in these troubled times.
But how can MFIs’ social impact, which has long been taken for granted, be measured?
In response to recent criticism of the way MFIs operate and their impact in southern countries, a whole battery of tools for assessing social performance has been set up. For instance, the Social Performance Indicators (SPI) are used to measure the balance between MFIs’ social mission and the means they use to achieve it.
For further details, see the very comprehensive feature “Impact and social performance” put together by Cerise for the Microfinance Gateway: (
15 publications
Ethical Finance and Prosperity. Beyond Environmental, Social and Governance Investing.
Ugo Biggeri, Giovanni Ferri, Federica Ielasi, Pedro Manuel Sasia Santos, Routledge Ed., 2024
Democratizing Finance. Origins of the Community Development Financial.
Clifford N. Rosenthal,, Fiesenpress, United States, November 2018
Social and Solidarity Economy. Beyond the Fringe.
Peter Utting, ZED books UK, April 2015
Debt or Democracy Public Money for Sustainability and Social Justice
Mary Mellor, Pluto Press, UK, 2015
Thèse de l’Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Pierre-Germain Umuhire, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Belgique, May 2013
The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance : Hacking the Future of Money
Brett Scott, Pluto Press, United States, May 2013
Financing our Foodshed. Growing Local Food with Slow Money.
Carol Peppe Hewitt, New Society Publishers, United States, April 2013
Microfinance, Debt and Over-Indebtedness Juggling with Money
Edited by Isabelle Guérin, Solène Morvant-Roux, Magdalena Villareal, Routledge, London, UK., 2013
Foreword by Prof Herman Daly
Andrew Jackson, Ben Dyson, Positive Money, UK, 2013
Trust and Ethics in Finance : Innovative ideas from the Robin Cosgrove Prize
Carol Cosgrove-Sacks, Paul Dembinski (Ed.), Globethics Publications, September 2012
Small Change, Big Deal. Money as if people mattered.
Jennifer Kavanagh, John Hunt Publishing, Business Books, London, March 2012
Social Banking and Social Finance Answers to the Economic Crisis
Roland Benedikter, Springer, New-York., 2011
The Future of Money: From Financial Crisis to Public Resource
Mary Mellor, Pluto Press, UK, April 2010
Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money Investing as if Food, Farms, and Fertility Mattered
Woody Tasch, Chelsea Green Publishing, United States, 2008
The poor always pay back.The Grameen II Story
Asif Dowla, Dipal Barua, Kumarian Press, November 2006
15 Videos
Shared Economies: How Co-Ops and Public Banks Make a Difference for Women
An Economy of our Own
Break the Chains, Build Local Power
May 2016
May 2016
Solikon 2015: Alternative Finanzierungsinstrumente auf Gegenseitigkeit
September 2015
Social and Solidarity Finance: Tensions, Opportunities and Transformative Potential
2015 Financing for Development conference in Addis Ababa
May 2015
Is human nature a threat to sustainable banking? | World Finance
April 2015
The Universal Standards for Social Performance Management (USSPM)
December 2014
The PRICE idea. Why Fair Trade and Ethical Finance work well together.
October 2014
Series of video on the money system of Positive Money
March 2014
GABV member, Triodos Bank: Member story about change makers
November 2013
Ellen Brown - Public Banking 2013: Funding the New Economy, June 2nd 2013
June 2013
C.R.I.E.S. association - Ethical banking & Microfinance
August 2012
2 pedagogical tools
SSE.E IVET : Training module 3. Ethical and Solidarity Finance and Resources
Social Solidarity Economy in Europe : affirming a new paradigm trhough IVET curricula innovation
August 2018
Technologie-Netzwerk Berlin e. V.,
Solidarius Italia,
RIPESS Europe,
European Commission Eva Varga, Malcolm Hayday, January 2016
2 proposals
FEBEA Position paper on the EU Sustainable Finance Strategy
For a truly Sustainable Finance that combats climate change and inequality: 9 proposals
July 2021
Proposal Paper for the XXI Century: Solidarity Finance
This Proposal Paper is a summary of the work by the Solidarity Finance Workshop.
Renée Chao Beroff, November 2001
57 case studies
October 2019
Creating a Solidarity Economy Giving Project
Article in Philantrhopy Women, 28 January 2019
Cheyenna Layne Weber, January 2019
The Farmers’ Bank of Rustico - The first credit union in North America?
The Canadian CED network
Yvon Poirier, January 2019
Owning Main Street: Three Finance Innovations for Community Control of Development
Practical visionaries Penn Loh
Allison Curtis, October 2018
A Case Study of Microfinance and Community Development Banks in Brazil Private or Common Goods?
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly August 2016 vol. 45 no. 4 suppl 116S-133S
Marek Hudon, Camille Meyer, August 2016
Cooperative for Ethical Financing - Ebanka
Cooperative Bank of Karditsa Coop.L.L.
Cassa Rurale di Bolzano Soc. Cooperativa
Cassa Centrale De Cassa Rurale
BAS - The Alternative Bank Switzerland
Prefinancing mechanisms for Fair Trade : 13 factsheets for companies and producer organisations
June 2015
Educating and Financing the Poor: Credit Union Promotion Club
Jun-E Tan, 2014
Spearheading organic farming: Koperasi Belia Islam
Jun-E Tan, 2014
Vth URGENCI Symposium: Monterey California, USA, January 2013
International Newsletter for Sustainable Local Development Newsletter #96
Jocelyn Parot, Yvon Poirier, March 2013
Katosi Women’s Development Trust in Uganda: When women take a hand in their own development
International Newsletter for Sustainable Local Development Newsletter #95
Alina Darmadi, Judith Hitchman, February 2013
The Community Empowerment International Fund (La Limonada – Guatemala)
Samuel Brizuela, January 2013
Microcredit and the Discourse of Empowerment: A Case Study in Jinotega, Nicaragua
Berkeley Undergraduate Journal, 26(1)
Kristen Norman,, 2013
The Co-construction of Solidarity Finance in Quebec: a Systemic Approach
Brief Reliess n°6
October 2012
La Base / The Working World (Buenos Aires – Argentina)
Felipe Zalamea, November 2011
MFIs lay small-debt trap in Andhra
October 2010
Infochange News and analysis on social justice and development issues in India
The Association Terre de Liens: An example in Echausses, France of multi-purpose property
Martine Theveniaut, May 2010
Microfinance and Small Farmers in India
July 2009
An initiative for alternative employment
Yvon Poirier, February 2009
Microfinance, as a vehicle for serving the Poor in both urban and rural areas
January 2009
Perspectives on Solidarity Economy: Case Study of Self-Help Group in Melikan Village, Central Java
Asian Dialogue on Oeconomy Case Study Series No. 2009-08
Inner City Development Cooperative (Quezon City, Philippines)
An original savings and loans initiative for the urban poor
Yvon Poirier, December 2007
Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins (Desjardins Solidarity Credit Union)
A unique financial institution
Yvon Poirier, June 2007
ASSEFA : 35 Years of Service to Rural Communities of India
A holistic approach to community development
Yvon Poirier, October 2004
Case study of the Finsol workshop
Marco Santori, July 2002
A response to the mid-term report on ‘Social Finance and Social Ties’ based on the experience of the People’s Rural Development Association (PRDA), a Sri Lankan NGO which has an ‘Economic Initiatives’ programme in 40 Sri Lankan villages. Contribution to the « Finance of solidarity and social links » workshop, Dourdan, (France), July 2002.
Fernando Sunimal, July 2002
Workshop on Social Finance and Social Ties - Kashf Foundation, Lahore Pakistan
In parallel with the dynamics of the solidarity socioeconomy pole and the solidarity Finance workshop, a working group (FPH, CIDR, Intercoopération suisse, IRAM, FINANSOL) met regularly, since March 2000, to think about the connection between solidarity finance and social links.
June 2002
The Historical Perspective – Case Study of Savings and Credit Associations in Albania
Case study of the Finsol workshop
Ruth Egger, May 2002
Comparative analysis of the MYRADA and SEWA cases, India
Case study of the Finsol workshop
Teresa Cerveau, April 2002
Case study « Microfinance and Social Ties »: WAGES (Togo) and FDEA (Senegal)
Presentation of NGOs WAGES (Women and Associations Gain Both Economic and Social) and FDEA (Femme Développement Entreprise en Afrique).
Yves Fournier, April 2002
Analysis of two French solidarity finance tools: the NEF and the CIGALES
Case studies on: « Microfinance and social ties »
Pauline Grosso, October 2001
Presentation of Banca Etica, Italy
Case study of the Finsol workshop
Francesco Bicciato, July 2000
An introduction to Banca Etica, the first alternative bank in Italy, constituted as a bank framework in May 98 and operational in February 99.
Francesco Bicciato, June 2000
54 Analyses/working papers/articles
Financing guide for energy communities and EcoPower, January 2023
Ethical finance in Europe - fifth report
Ugo Biggeri, Mauro Meggiolaro, Daniel Sorrosal, October 2022
Public Finance for the Future We Want
AA.VV., June 2019
The Contribution of the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Finance to the Future of Work
Final report
Edited by Bénédicte Fonteneau, Ignace Pollet, 2019
Ethical and sustainable finance in Europe. Second report
Marguerite Mendell, Nancy Néamtan, Émilien Gruet, Jang Jongick, Vanessa Sorin, Kim Jinhwan, Lee Garam, 2018
Stokvel Report: How South Africans save their money
Article of business report, June 2017
Rudzani Mulaudzi, June 2017
Rural finance: Insights from three continents
Passerelles n°3
AA.VV., May 2016
Microfinance and the business of poverty reduction: Critical perspectives from rural Bangladesh
Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee, Laurel Jackson, March 2016
David Bollier, Patrick Conaty, January 2016
The Invisible Player: Social and Solidarity Finance for Financing for Development
Think Piece Series The Road To Addis and Beyond
Marie-Adélaïde Matheï, September 2015
Event brief n°2
Simon Gewölb, Marie-Adélaïde Matheï, Joannah Caborn Wengler, July 2015
Social and Solidarity Economy: Beyond the Fringe? Introductory chapter
Peter Utting, April 2015
Fair trade and ethical finance: the possible synergy
Guide produced in the context of the PRICE project
Simone Grillo, February 2015
Review of impact assessment methodologies for ethical finance
Giacomo Pinaffo, Malcolm Hayday, Aurora Prospero, January 2015
The Remarkable Expansion of Community Banks in Brazil: Discovering Palmas’ Methodology
Rev. Bras. de Casos de Ensino em Administração Volume 4 Número 2
Journal of Economic Issues, 2014, vol. 48, issue 2, pages 377-386
Tonia Warneke, 2014
Global Alliance for Banking on Values, October 2013
ROSCAs: An Instrument for the Sustainable Development of the Solidarity Economy
Submitted to the Asian Solidarity Economy Council, on the occasion of the 5th RIPESS International Meeting of SSE, Manila, Philippines, October, 15-18, 2013.
Valerie Siganga Mbamaonyeukwu, October 2013
Community Development Banks: Enabling Access to Finance for Poor Communities
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Camille Meyer, Leonardo Prates Leal, September 2013
Solidarity Finance and Public Policy: The Brazilian experience of community development banks
NGLS Working Paper 2013 (Draft)
Augusto Câmara Neiva, Juliana de Oliveira Barros Braz, Diogo Jamra Tsukumo, Joao Joaquim de Melo Neto Segundo, May 2013
Marguerite Mendell, Rocío Nogales, 2013
Reduced Work Time, Participatory Democracy and Time Currency
Bruno Théret, December 2012
Trust and Ethics in Finance: Innovative ideas from the Robin Cosgrove Prize
Multiple authors, September 2012
Rausp. Revista de Administração., São Paulo, v.47, n.3, p.500-515, jul./ago/set. 2012
Genauto Carvalho de França Filho, Jeová Torres Silva Júnior, Ariádne Scalfoni Rigo, July 2012
in Text and Talk 32(3):329-348
Esperanza Morales-López, May 2012
Policies of Microcredit in Brazil : an analysis from the case of Community Development Banks (CDBs)
Revue du MAUSS permanente, 3 mars 2012 [en ligne].
Genauto Carvalho de França Filho, March 2012
Ibrahim Steyn, January 2012
Stokvels - A Hidden Economy Unpacking the potential of South African traditional saving schemes
Sweden’s JAK Bank Liberating community finance from the ball & chain of compound interest
From book The Resilience Imperative – Co-operative Transitions to a Steady-state Economy, by Mike Lewis and Pat Conaty
Michael Lewis, Patrick Conaty, 2012
The Co-operative Land Bank. A Solution in Search of a Home.
From book The Resilience Imperative – Co-operative Transitions to a Steady-state Economy, by Mike Lewis and Pat Conaty
Michael Lewis, Shann Turnbull, 2012
Working Paper Solidarity Finance
International Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy, FIESS 2011
Rocío Nogales, Marguerite Mendell, October 2011
Banking as if Society Mattered: The Case of Triodos Bank
Katrin Dr. Käufer, January 2011
October 2010
Banks and microfinance in Europe
MicroFinance Europe n°7, June 2010
June 2010
Could the money system be the basis of a sufficiency economy?
Real-World Economics Review, Issue no. 54
Mary Mellor, 2010
African NGO’s and Womanism: Microcredit and Self-Help
Journal of African American Studies 2010, 14:171-180
Jane Duran, 2010
The Atlas of job création good practices for social inclusion
Ethical Finance for an active, creative and solidarity-based Europe. Practical datasheet.
Pim Engels, October 2009
MFI efficiency and State intervention – what correlation?
(Empirical analysis of the two main strategic French microcredit models - used in this paper as analytical grids for the ongoing debates about microfinance in the South)
Benoît Granger, Stefanie Lämmerman, June 2009
International Journal of Social Economics, 2009, vol. 36, issue 12, pages 1118-1132
Pascal Glémain, 2009
Financing the Social Economy in Québec. A Work in Progress.
Marguerite Mendell, 2009
A project of European Label for solidarity finance. State of the art in several European contries and definition of a European label and indicators.
December 2006
The search for a development approach centered on people’s freedom and people’s participation, this paper argues, can be aided by a study of social capital. Such a study can help explain how people can be mobilized to participate in producing a collective good through voluntary joint action and cooperation with other sectors of society. In other words, a study of social capital formation is essential in shaping a freedom-centered, participatory development perspective.
Benjamin R. Quiñones, Jr., February 2006
Equity-driven RMFIs (Rural MicroFinance Institutions)
An examination of rural entrepreneurs as shareholders of equity-driven RMFIs, motivated by profit sharing and access to credit.
Hans Dieter, February 2006
February 2006 issue of Vermont Commons, USA.
Hazel Henderson, February 2006
The medieval invention of emancipating credit
XIV International Economic History Congress, Helsinki 2006
Best practices in sustainable finance
A survey of the link betwwen Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the financial service sector in Canada and at the international level
Coro Strandberg, June 2005
A framework for Approaches to SROI
Sara Olsen, Jeremy Nicholls and the SROI working circle, 2005
New Economics Foundation., National Association of Credit Union Workers., Community Finance Solutions., & Lloyds TSB Group.
History matters in microfinance
This text shows that microfinance is not a poor solution for poor countries, that savings-driven microfinance institutions in cooperative or community ownership are equally feasible in rural and urban areas, and that if properly regulated and supervised, they have great potential in poverty alleviation and development, both in rural and urban areas.
Hans Dieter, June 2003
A framework for regulating microfinance institutions: The experience of Ghana and of the Philippines
World Bank, Financial Sector Development Department (October 2001) – Reflection on the microfinance regulation framework.
Joselito Gallardo, January 2002
Finance for local development: New solutions for public-private action
This handbook, one of the outcomes of a project “Getting the Framework Right: Public Support Strategies and Measures for Local and Micro-finance” shows good practice internationally in public support for local and micro-finance; and how to develop and implement policy instruments to give effective support to local and micro-finance in one’s own territory.
This document presents a guide for field survey research in social intermediation in order to explore the relation between social capital and microfinance.
Teresa Cerveau, September 1999
9 public contributions
June 2020
12 measures for a socially useful financial system
Four international Social Finance and Community Development Federations put out a call to G-20 Governments
September 2009
Local Stock Exchanges: The Next Wave of Community Economy Building
Michael H. Shuman, October 2007
Social Capital in Finance of Solidarity
Preparatory document for a debate on solidarity finance indicators (WSSE Solidarity Finance Workshop).
Fernando Sunimal, December 2003
International Finance and Solidarity: Towards a global banking network of solidarity
Presentation of the concept of a global social finance network.
Henri Rouillé d’Orfeuil, August 2002
JP Worms’ Contribution on Social Capital
Transcription of the contribution of Jean-Pierre Worms to the « Finance of solidarity and social links » workshop on Social Capital and Finance of Solidarity, organised in Dourdan, France, from July 2 to 5, 2002.
jean-Pierre Worms, July 2002
Preparatory contribution to the « Finance of solidarity and social links » workshop, Dourdan, (France), July 2002.
Riza Primahendra, July 2002
Finance of solidarity and social links, document for debate
Is there any danger that microfinance institutions targetting poor and vulnerable lose it solidarity in the long-run ?
Renée Chao Beroff, February 2001
Launch Text of the Solidarity Finance Workshop.
January 2001
3 articles
FEBEA conference in Barcelona: “Ethical banking is no longer a utopia”
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - June 2022
Valorsocial, June 2022
ROSCAs: A Model for Sustainable Economic Development
Article of, May 30, 2022
May 2022
Banking co-ops run by Black women have a longtime legacy of helping people
Caroline Shenaz Hossein, March 2021
3 organizations RIPESS & ODDs
Promoting sustainable agricultural practices in Burkina Faso
Financial inclusion and economic empowerment for women and young people in Mali
A mobile digital wallet for unbanked people in the Philippines
Latin American Savings and Loan Cooperative Utrahuilca - Colombia, January 2022
Text of the invitation to participate in the Solidarity Finance workshops and seminars at the III World Social Forum (Brazil, 23/28 January 2003).
January 2003