Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (Wiego)
WIEGO is a global network focused on securing livelihoods for the working poor, especially women, in the informal economy. This section presents a summary of WIEGO – and of the informal workers and their organizations who are the focus of WIEGO’s work.
Una publicación
The Informal Economy Revisited Examining the Past, Envisioning the Future
Marty Chen, Françoise Carré, Routledge, London, UK, julio 2020
Una herramienta pedagogica
5 Documentos de análisis/working papers/articulos
Informal Workers in the COVID-19 Crisis: A global picture of sudden impact and long-term risk
WIEGO, julio 2020
E-book : Street Vendors and Public Space. Essential insights on key trends and solutions.
febrero 2020
Supporting Informal Workers in Public Space: A Toolkit for Local Authorities -
Caroline .Skinner, Sarah Orleans Reed, Jenna Harvey, agosto 2018
Construyendo Ciudades Inclusivas Aspectos destacados del proyecto Ciudades Inclusivas
Rhonda Douglas, octubre 2017
Waste and Development – Perspectives from the Ground
Field Actions Science Report. Special issue 6 Reconcling Poverty eradication and Protecion of the environment
Sonia María Dias, 2012