UN Inter-agency Taskforce on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE)
The international development community recognizes the need to rethink development. Business-as-usual has not prevented the recent financial and food crises, climate change, persistent poverty and rising inequality. As a post-2015 development agenda is crafted, we need to consider Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) as a pathway to sustainable development.
The UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (TFSSE) was established to raise the visibility of the SSE in international knowledge and policy circles. We believe that SSE holds considerable promise for addressing the economic, social and environmental integrated approaches of sustainable development.
TFSSE brings together UN agencies and other inter-governmental organizations, as well as umbrella associations of SSE networks as members and observers. Task Force activities include organizing events at UN and other international conferences, dialoguing with policy makers, preparing and disseminating publications, and engaging in collaborative projects involving TFSSE members and observers.
“Social and Solidarity Economy encompasses organizations and enterprises that: 1) have explicit economic and social (and often environmental) objectives; 2) involve varying degrees and forms of cooperative, associative and solidarity relations between workers, producers and consumers; 3) practice workplace democracy and self-management. SSE includes traditional forms of cooperatives and mutual associations, as well as women’s self-help groups, community forestry groups, social provisioning organizations or ‘proximity services’, fair trade organizations, associations of informal sector workers, social enterprises, and community currency and alternative finance schemes”.
Peter Utting, former UNRISD Deputy Director
5 Videos
Territorial/international alliances to promote the SSE as a people-centred, planet-sensitive economy
GSEF 2021
octubre 2021
Overcoming inequalities through the COVID-19 recovery - GPR2C, RIPESS & Urgenci HLPF Side event
julio 2021
RIPESS Intercontinental, Urgenci
The Social and Solidarity Economy as a pathway to achieving the 2030 Agenda and the role of UNTFSSE
junio 2021
SSE: Leading the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Contribution to a Fair Recovery (EUSES)
mayo 2021
Interview avec M. Yvon Poirier à l’ UNTFSSE International Conference au siège de l’OIT
julio 2019
Una herramienta pedagogica
Explorando la ESS para los ODS: el curso en línea
septiembre 2023
Una propuesta
Recommendations on the international dimension of the European Action Plan for Social Economy
abril 2021
9 Documentos de análisis/working papers/articulos
Infography: Key milestones of UNTFSSE
octubre 2023
Avanzar en la Agenda 2030 a través de la economía social y solidaria
Segundo documento de posición UNTFSSE
mayo 2023
Avanzar en la Agenda 2030 a través de la economía social y solidaria
Documento de posición del Grupo de Trabajo Interinstitucional de las Naciones Unidas sobre Economía Social y Solidaria
Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy?:
UNTFSSE International Conference Summary
Yi Ilcheong, Samuel Brülisauer, Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu, Martina Piras, octubre 2019
Michele Bianchi, mayo 2019
Mapping of Intergovernmental Documentation on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)
Knowledge Hub Resources
UNRISD, mayo 2018
Working Paper #1 of the Knowledge Hub Working Paper Series
Peter Utting, abril 2018
Mainstreaming Social and Solidarity Economy: Opportunities and Risks for Policy Change
A Background Paper
Peter Utting, 2016
La Economía Social y Solidaria y el Reto del Desarrollo Sostenible
Un documento de posición del Grupo de Trabajo Interinstitucional de las Naciones Unidas sobre Economía Social y Solidaria
United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (TFSSE), julio 2014
4 Cartas/Manifiestos
junio 2020
Aplicar la Agenda 2030 a traves de la economía social y solidaria
Declaración de posición del Grupo de Trabajo Interinstitucional de las Naciones Unidas sobre Economía Social y Solidaria
julio 2016
Réaliser le Programme 2030 au moyen de l’économie sociale et solidaire
Déclaration du Groupe de travail interinstitutions des Nations Unies sur l’économie sociale et solidaire
julio 2016
Realizing the 2030 Agenda through Social and Solidarity Economy
A Position Paper by the UNTFSSE
2 artículos
diciembre 2022
Segunda reunión del Comité de Vigilancia de la Declaración de Luxemburgo
Artículo del boletín de Ripess Europa - enero 2021
UNTFSSE, enero 2021