5 publications
Social and Solidarity-based Economy and Territory From Embeddedness to Co-construction
Xabier Itçaina, Nadine Richez-Battesti, CIRIEC
Basic Income A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy
Philippe VAN PARIJS, Yannick VANDERBORGHT, Harvard University Press, United States, March 2017
People Money: The Promise of Regional Currencies
Margrit Kennedy, Bernard Lietaer, John Rogers, Triarchy Press, UK, July 2012
Social Tourism in Europe. Theory and Practice
Scott McCabe, Lynn Minnaert, Anya Diekmann, Channel View Publications, October 2011
Bernard Lietaer, Stephen Belgin, Qiterra Press, 2011
7 Videos
Food Social Security - 3rd Nyéléni ECA Thematic Webinar
January 2025
Urgenci, Nyeleni Europe and Central Asia, FIAN belgium,
RTES, FIAN Switzerland
Actions: Economy with Humanity - Vandana Shiva, Michel Bauwens, Pedro Tarak #liveablefuture
July 2020
Belgium - When social and solidarity economy meets international development…
Susy Project
October 2016
Bernard Lietaer - Why money needs to change now!
November 2014
Open Everything: A Collaborative Economy Convergence, September 2014, Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Ireland
September 2014
Power to the people with renewable energy cooperation (Business Planet - euronews)
July 2014
Bernard Lietaer: Money diversity
November 2011
3 pedagogical tools
MOOC on Networks of Work based adult education providers capacity building
Net-Works project
November 2023
The CEECEC Handbook: Ecological Economics from the Bottom-Up
6 case studies
CASYE European project (Cultural and Social Youth Entrepreneurship) : Good practices IO1
CASYE project, September 2021
Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 Cooperative contributions to SDG 7
ILO Briefs
June 2018
Transformative cities - Atlas of Utopias
Leuven 2030, 2018
Case study of the book Social and environmental responsibility, 2006
Vincent Commenne, 2006
20 Analyses/working papers/articles
Exploring SSE and its initiatives among european members
Consultancy project 2021 for the Labo de l’ESS
Prepared by Léna Mamalis, Clara Schouler, Jeanne Parmentier, Charlène Castagna, Juliette Vazzoler, August 2021
In book: Resourcing an Agroecological Urbanism: Political, Transformational and Territorial Dimensions (pp.61-84)Publisher: Routledge book series “Food, Society and the Environment”.
Tomaso Ferrando, Priscilla Claeys, Dagmar Diesner, Jose Luis Vivero Pol, December 2019
The social and solidarity economy in the age of decent work
CETRI, SOLIDAR and SOLSOC Belgium, June 2019
Book : Peer to Peer : The Commons Manifesto
London, University of Westminster Press
Michel Bauwens, Vasilis Kostakis, Alex Pazaitis, March 2019
The History And Evolution Of The Commons
Michel Bauwens, June 2018
Olivier De Schutter, Ugo Mattei, Jose Luis Vivero Pol, Tomaso Ferrando, 2018
Cooperative health report 2018: Assessing the worldwide contribution of cooperatives to healthcare
A Commons Transition Plan for the City of Ghent
Michel Bauwens, Yurek Onzia, September 2017
Cultures of Community Energy International case studies
Neil Simcock, Rebecca Willis, Peter Capener in association with Lancaster Environment Centre – Lancaster University, May 2016
Transition towards a food commons regime: re-commoning food to crowd-feed the world
Jose Luis Vivero Pol, September 2015
Review of impact assessment methodologies for ethical finance
Giacomo Pinaffo, Malcolm Hayday, Aurora Prospero, January 2015
The social commons: reconciling social protection and the universal basic income
XIV JORNADAS DE ECONOMÍA CRÍTICA. Perspectivas económicas alternativas Valladolid, 4 y 5 de septiembre de 2014
Francine Mestrum, September 2014
2014 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota >
Pieter Vlaeminck,, Jana Vandoren,, Liesbet Vranken,, July 2014
Want to really help expand Social and Solidarity Economy? Then start rethinking money!
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Christian Arnsperger, May 2013
Food as a Commons: Reframing the Narrative of the Food System
Jose Luis Vivero Pol, April 2013
Elisabetta CANGELOSI,, 2013
The commons: (Co)managing commonly owned resources
Proceedings of the symposium of 9 March 2012 in Brussels, Belgium
Ghislain ERREMBAULT, March 2012
Banking as if Society Mattered: The Case of Triodos Bank
Katrin Dr. Käufer, January 2011
Urban Studies, Vol. 42, No. 11, 2071–2088, October 2005
Frank Moulaert, Jacques Nussbaumer, October 2005
One charter/manifesto
Keeping companies at the heart of their own evaluation
Joint declaration VISES and TIESS
7 articles
REVES Magazine: Public policies and social economy
Year 2023, n°1
October 2023
Towards a museum of C/Kapitalism in France
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, September 2023
September 2023
For a feminist Social and Solidarity Economy
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, June 2023
Credal, Tangente et Ripess Europe, June 2023
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - October 2021
SAW-B, October 2021
Meeting with Pass-ages – creation of a unique inhabitants’ cooperative project
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - January 2021
SAW-B, January 2021
And the day after ? For a CoronaReset.
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - April 2020
April 2020
Michel Bauwens, April 2020
Web sites :
- Centre international de recherches et d’information sur l’économie publique, sociale et coopérative (CIRIEC)
- Fondation pour les Générations Futures (FGF)
- Pour la solidarité
- Vlaams Overleg Duurzame Ontwikkeling (VODO)
- Financité
- Currency solutions for a wiser world
- Economie Sociale et Solidaire Wapi - Le portail de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire en Wallonie picarde
- Il faut tuer TINA Victoires Bonnes nouvelles
- Econosoc - Carrefour de l’économie sociale