European Network of Social Integration Enterprises (ENSIE)

The European Network of Social Integration Enterprises (ENSIE) was officially established in Bruges (Belgium) on May 11, 2001.

For several years, exchanges between national networks for social integration enterprises have made possible the identification of common identifying principles for these initiatives through the various countries of the European Union.

ENSIE takes for its objective the representation, maintenance and development within the European Union of networks and federations for work integration social enterprises.

ENSIE’s objectives:

ENSIE wants to contribute to a sustainable development within the European Union. This includes the following aspects:

The ENSIE constitution is a complementary foundation stone whose purpose is the promotion of good practices, the expansion of contributions, and the development of propositions in order to prepare the way for its participation in defining European policy in its battle against social exclusion.

A pedagogical tool

2 Charter/Manifesto

5 articles