Webinar : Beyond COVID19 emergency: Building collective and lasting responses through SSE
Ripess Intercontinental April17, 2020
abril 2020

The video : 1:48:57
Two presentations to be downloaded :
“The Bina Swadaya Foundation, member of ASEC”, by Eri Trinurini-Adhi.
“A good practice from integrated response of COVID19: the story of Panggungharjo Village in Jogja”, by Wahyudi Anggoro Hadi.
Humanity is facing one of the most serious and uncertain crises in recent history. The current globalization of the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed it to spread to all countries. Even remote populations are at risk, as are populations in war zones and those living in cramped conditions with poor hygiene such refugee camps, putting the lives of human beings at risk in an increasingly globalized world.
As expressed in RIPESS’ statement, the challenge we face is how to build an alternative model of development, driven by the needs of all peoples and communities around the world, and the protection of our planet. The window of opportunity is now open to accelerate the process, capitalise on the thousands of ingenious solutions being created within communities and make positive change permanent and global in all its diversity.
This webinar is intended to start the discussion on how we arrived at this point from an SSE perspective. It will also highlight concrete SSE solidarity responses that SSE projects are building (both in this emergency situation, and in general as a solution to the global challenges).
To ensure a comprehensive vision with grassroots SSE experiences from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America, this webinar will be split in three separate sessions run in English, French and Spanish. Each webinar will have different speakers representing voices and projects from all around the world.
Topics discussed
Macro inputs: how have we reached this point? – analysis from SSE perspective
Concrete SSE solidarity responses to the emergency situation and role of SSE networks
SSE and its networks building collective and lasting responses beyond the current emergency