The social/solidarity-based economy: A North-South perspective

Second International Meeting on the Globalization of Solidarity October 9 to 12, 2001, Quebec City Synthesis and Conclusions


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Resumen :

Main topics of the discussions held in Quebec City and help to pass on the torch to our African counterparts, who have agreed to organize the Third Meeting in Dakar in 2005.

The Quebec City Meeting was marked by a clear refusal by the various actors to be forced into a rigid structure or a single political direction. They want to have exchanges that permit the expression of the pluralistic character of the solidarity-based economy and of how it has taken root in different realities and cultures. But the participants were in favour of setting up an International Liaison Commission made up of continental bodies responsible for circulating information, linking up the various networks and preparing the exchanges for the Third International Meeting in Dakar in 2005.

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