Assessing the social and solidarity economy in Luxembourg

Economie et Statistiques Working papers du STATEC N° 75

Eva Rückert, Francesco Sarracino, abril 2014

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Resumen :

This paper introduces the on-going work of a research project intended to furnish a non-exhaustive inventory of the Luxembourgish social and solidarity economy for the use of social policy makers and to increase visibility. Business register data is employed to analyse the features of the social economy and social enterprises in Luxembourg and to trace their evolution over time. The paper focuses on assessing the legal forms and economic activities and also presents some descriptive statistics on paid employment. Social and solidarity economy jobs are found to have a 7% share of total employment in Luxembourg in 2011. In 2000 the share of social jobs amounted to only 4%. These jobs are heavily concentrated in health and social work, a sector with a high share of female employment. The employment shares and employment growth are found to be unevenly distributed across legal forms and gender.

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