Ethan Miller
4 Documentos de análisis/working papers/articulos
Community Economy: Ontology, Ethics, and Politics for Radically-Democratic Economic Organizing
Ethan Miller, 2013
Thesis submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ethan Miller, 2011
Solidarity Economy: Key Concepts and Issues
Published in Kawano, Emily and Tom Masterson and Jonathan Teller-Ellsberg (eds). Solidarity Economy I: Building Alternatives for People and Planet. Amherst, MA: Center for Popular Economics. 2010.
Ethan Miller, 2010
Solidarity Economics: Strategies for Building New Economies From the Bottom-Up and the Inside-Out
A pamphlet written as an adaptation and synthesis of some solidarity economy concepts with other streams of thought and practice. The author’s aim is to help open space for useful conversations about a practice of solidarity economics that is adapted to the particular political, economic, and cultural conditions that are being faced in the United States.
Ethan Miller, febrero 2004
2 intervenciones públicas
Other economies are possible :
Organizing toward an economy of cooperation and solidarity
Ethan Miller, June 2006
Elements of a Solidarity Economy
A map of the solidarity economy landscape
Ethan Miller, junio 2006