Emily Kawano
Emily Kawano has developed curriculum and facilitated training on a wide range of economic issues, including the solidarity economy. Prior to CPE (Up to October 2013, she was the Executive Director of the Centre for Popular Economics, a collective of economists dedicated to demystifying the economy in order to strengthen the struggle for economic justice), she taught economics at Smith College, USA, worked as the National Economic Justice Representative for the American Friends Service Committee.
In Northern Ireland, she founded a popular economics programme with the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, served on the N.I. Social Economy Network Working Group, and worked with Belfast Community Development Agencies to develop and deliver social economy training.
She is one of the founders, and serves as the coordinator, of the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network. She serves as the U.S. representative on the Board of RIPESS.
2 pubblicazioni
Solidarity Economy I: Building Alternatives for People and Planet
Emily Kawano, Thomas Neal Masterson, Jonathan Teller-Elsberg, Center for Popular Economics, USA, June 2010
A non-patriarchal economy is possible : looking at solidarity economy from different cultural facets
Benjamin R. Quiñones, Jr., Alfonso Cotera Fretel, Pierre W. Johnson, Emily Kawano, Tara Delille, Marcos Arruda, April 2009
2 strumenti pedagogici
Solidarity Economy 101. Values, Framework, Real-World Examples (101 revised slides)
Mike Strode, April Taylor, David Ferris and Emily Kawano, August 2021
Solidarity Economy Workshop Pathways to a just and sustainable world (Workshop)
Emily Kawano, 2013
5 Documenti di analisi/working papers/articoli
System Change: A Basic Primer to the Solidarity Economy
NPQ - Non Profit Quarterly - July 8, 2020
Emily Kawano, Julie Matthaei, July 2020
Episode 16: “Resist & Build”: Discussing the Solidarity Economy (w/ Emily Kawano)
The next system podcast
Emily Kawano, Adam Simpson, February 2018
Social Solidarity Economy: Toward Convergence across Continental Divides
Think pieces for the UNRISD conference “Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy”. 6-8 May 2013
Emily Kawano, May 2013
Hacia la luz: el movimiento emergente de economía solidaria en Estados Unidos de Norteamérica
Cayapa - Revista Venezolana de Economia Social Año 10 n°19 En-Junio 2010
Emily Kawano, January 2010
Yvon Poirier, Emily Kawano, 2008
2 articoli
Imaginal Cells of the Solidarity Economy
Article of Nonprofit Quarterly (NPQ), September 8, 2021
Emily Kawano, September 2021
Seven ways to build the solidarity economy
Article of Transformation, September 4, 2018
Emily Kawano, September 2018