«Το κοινωνικό κράτος πρέπει να το διασφαλίζουν οι κυβερνήσεις» (« The welfare state must be guaranteed by governments »)

Article of EFSYN, 08/04/2019

Michael Angelos Konstantopoulos, aprile 2019

Leggere l’articolo completo in : www.efsyn.gr

Compendio :

At the end of March, the Impact Hub of Athens closed its 5 years of life with an event where the internationally renowned economist Mohamed Yunus was invited.

Among the keynote speakers was Alberto Masetti Zanini, director of the Impact Hub international programs. It deals with the creation and development of ecosystems of social economy and entrepreneurship in many corners of the world where different models and requirements exist.

He spoke about the scope of the field as well as about his findings regarding the Greek case.

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