Green Liberty - Zaļā brīvība
Green Liberty (Zaļā brīvība) was founded in 1991 and registered as a non-profit NGO in 1993 (then as the Green Library of Environmental Protection Club). In 2000, the organization was re-registered with a new name – Green Liberty.
Green Liberty’s mission is to develop a society where people live in harmony with each other and their environment. Green Liberty aims at:
informing people about social and environmental implications of current trends in consumerism, trade and globalization;
empowering people to make meaningful decisions connected with their lives directly and indirectly;
opposing abuses of power.
Green Liberty organizes press briefings, conferences, exhibitions, public lectures, expositions, and runs webpage and online campaigns. Green Liberty publishes environmental information, organizes different cultural and environmental actions, as well as carries out studies on socio-environmental issues and works on sustainable development and lifestyles, development issues and particularly on fair trade, climate and energy and waste related issues. Green Liberty also advocates government on the integration of sustainable development and environmental policy in various policy sectors.
Green Liberty participates in national (Environmental consultancy board) and international networks (including CAN Europe, European Environmental Bureau, European Eco-Forum ) and co-operates with civic and state organizations in Latvia and abroad.