Banana Link
Information and dissemination
We collect, analyse, disseminate and publish information about banana and pineapple production and trade. Through our websites, news feed and e-bulletins, and through regular contributions to trade and general media, we inform both the general public and specialists about the realities of the current system. We also share our research and analysis widely amongst organisations and networks working towards fairer trade and sustainable food production.
Pushing for reform
As explained in the problem with bananas and pineapples, tropical fruit supply chains are neither fair nor sustainable. Power - and thus the majority of money generated - is in the hands of a small number of companies. We therefore lobby governments to achieve reform with a particular focus on the need for labour legislation to genuinely enable and promote the respect of labour standards. We also lobby for changes in Competition Law in the UK and EU to reduce the negative effects of supermarket buyer power as detailed in our retailers section
Document d’analyse/working paper/article
Le droit à la concurrence et le nouvel esclavage
Iain Dr. Farquhar, août 2011
Banana Link