Red Intercontinental de Promoción de la Economía Social Solidaria de America Latina y el Caribe (RIPESS LAC)

RIPESS LAC is a continental network that brings together various community-based, associative, co-operative and mutual organisations as well as citizens’ movements that work towards the implementation of solidarity economy in Latin America. We contribute the production and sharing of resources and knowledge that creates the basis of an alternative movement to the current capitalist system.

Areas of work



RIPESS LAC work focuses on four main themes:

This is linked to the following objectives:

Un video

3 strumenti pedagogici

5 studi di caso

Documento de analisi/working paper/articolo

2 Carte/Manifesti

Un intervento pubblico

2 articoli

3 organizacione RIPESS & ODDs

2 Iniziative RIPESS & Covid