Presentation of Banca Etica

An introduction to Banca Etica, the first alternative bank in Italy, constituted as a bank framework in May 98 and operational in February 99.

Francesco Bicciato, juin 2000

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Résumé :

The presentation introduces Banca Etica and how it functions: to give credit to organisations founded on values such as solidarity, helping the disadvantaged, the conservation and development of the environment and the promotion of enterprise based on the respect of everybody’s rights; strong partnerships with several organisations such as third sector enterprises, local authorities, religious associations, environmental associations, trade unions and local committees; strong member participation in the bank’s activities which are grouped into local volunteer associations (GIT : Gruppo Iniziativa Territoriale) for organising promotional activities; the selection of enterprises (or projects) based on a set of social, environmental and economic criteria which guarantee their ethical behaviour.