Generic measures to promote the development of SSE
Like private businesses, social and solidarity enterprises need access to adequate markets, to research and development as well as to resources that help them implement effective management practices. However, the policies and programs put in place for the private sector must often be adapted to meet the needs of social and solidarity economy. Tools specifically designed for social and solidarity economy enterprises allows all companies to operate on the same footing, while recognizing the unique characteristics of these organizations and, more importantly, their contribution to the achievement of social, environmental or cultural objectives which would require, without this contribution, much more expensive forms of investment from the government. In this sense, policies and programs for social and solidarity economy enterprises are not unfair competition for the lucrative private property sector. Instead, they give social and solidarity enterprises the means to be competitive on the market without compromising their social or environmental objectives. In many cases, when the social and solidarity economy enterprises have carved a place in the market and become profitable, long-term government support is no longer needed.
Another important dimension of generic development tools includes provisions to support applied research, research partnerships and research focused on the needs of practitioners. Given the innovation component that is inherent in the social and solidarity economy, ongoing research, including research initiatives led by social and solidarity economy organizations can highlight, disseminate, facilitate the adoption and evaluate new and effective practices in the field of the social and solidarity economy.
2 Videos
Solikon 2015: Land in Sicht - Strategien zur Rückeroberung regionaler Ernährungsstrukturen
September 2015
Solikon 2015: Gemeinschaftsgärten, städt. und ländl. Kleinlandwirtschaft
September 2015
Analysis document/working paper/article
Das politische Experiment « Solidarwirtschaft » in Luxemburg
Universität Brixen
Romain Biever, 2011