Rachel Plattus

Rachel Plattus is an edge dancer, web tender, and tunnel dweller. She’s been a facilitator, organizer and educator in early childhood classrooms, local electoral campaigns, communities of Jewish mystics and healers, rooms of white folks unlearning whiteness, retreat centers, resistance in the streets; in multiracial campaigns for climate, racial and economic justice; and at New Economy Coalition, PeoplesHub, Nuns & Nones, Taproot, Tzedek Lab, the Retreat Center Collaboration, and the Movement Sustainability Commons, among others. Rachel comes from people who gather people, who know that no problem is too big for a kitchen table, who pray in the woods and the water and watching the winged ones, who shape change on the side of life in the face of cultures of death. Rachel and Eli live in Cambridge, MA in a house full of organizers, healers, beekeepers, builders, and meditators with their favorite person, Maya Silver.

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