Stefan Giljum
Stefan Giljum is head of the research group « Sustainable Resource Use » at the Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Vienna.
3 Documents d’analyse/working papers/articles
Counting CO2 emissions in a globalized world
Producer versus consumer-oriented methods of CO2 accounting. DIE Research Project “Development Policy: Questions for the Future”
Martin Bruckner, Christine Polzin, Stefan Giljum, September 2010
Eco-innovation - putting the EU on the path to a resource and energy eficient economy
The issue of resource scarcity is back on the agenda. What should EU do about it?
Raimund Bleischwitz, Michael Kuhndt, Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek, Stefan Giljum, March 2009
When carbon is not enough: Comprehensive Ecological Rucksack Indicators for Products
Paper presented at R‘09 Twin World Congress in Davos.
Eva Burger, Friedrich Hinterberger, Christopher Manstein, Stefan Giljum, 2009