James G. Carrier
James G. Carrier is a Hon. Research Associate at Oxford Brookes University and Adjunct Professor of Anthropology at the University of Indiana. He has taught anthropology and sociology, and carried out research, in Papua New Guinea, the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as studying environmental conservation in Jamaica. His publications include Gifts and Commodities (Routledge 1995), Meanings of the Market (ed., Berg 1997) and Virtualism, Governance and Practice (co-ed. with West, Berghahn 2009).
Une publication
Ethical Consumption. Social Value and Economic Practice.
Edited by James G. Carrier, Peter G. Luetchford, Bergham 21, New York, Oxford, October 2014
Document d’analyse/working paper/article
Think locally, act globally: The political economy of ethical consumption
in Geert De Neve, Luetchford Peter, Jeffrey Pratt, Donald C. Wood (ed.) Hidden Hands in the Market: Ethnographies of Fair Trade, Ethical Consumption, and Corporate Social Responsibility (Research in Economic Anthropology, Volume 28) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.31 - 51
James G. Carrier, 2008