Position Paper Susy Project

gennaio 2017

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Compendio :

In a political scenario where the EU and its Member States invest strategically and nancially in maximising the potential of the private sector for the implementation of Agenda 2030, Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors demand decision makers to respect legal obligations regulating a Private Sector that puts people and the environment at the center by providing decent jobs, respecting human rights, not harming our ecosystems, acts with nancial transparency and accountability and create sustainable prosperity for all.

To do so, Social and Solidarity Economy provides a model and demands political commitments for a Private Sector contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In a changing environment aiming at ghting the root causes of global poverty, the entire system needs to change and the Private Sector is a fundamental part of this system. Maximizing dignity and protecting our ecosystem should set the limits on maximizing the pro ts of the Private Sector.

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