Charter for guiding the exercise of socioeconomic responsibilities

The question of social responsibility is central to the ethical and economic reflection of Amartya Sen, Nobel Economics Prize winner in 1998. The link between ethics and economy is the theme of her work « Economy is a Moral Science » (Sem, 1999). Based on quotes from Sem’s text, it seemed possible to the author that a charter of social and socioeconomic responsibilities could be drawn up.

marzo 2003

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« With the increase in the level of interdependency, it has became natural to think about extending reciprocal responsibilities. Despite capitalism being ferociously individualistic, it has contributed in practice to this tendency towards integration, by making our lives all the more interdependent. Furthermore, the unprecedented growth in economic prosperity experienced by modern economies makes it possible to take on social obligations which were simply not financially viable before. » (Sen, 1999)