Lee Suyeon
Research Analyst
Suyeon Lee joined UNRISD in April 2017 to assist Research Coordinator Ilcheong Yi with the Social and Solidarity Economy programme.
She holds her doctoral degrees in Development Economics from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Her PhD dissertation analysed the impact of floods and typhoons on household welfare and resilience in Vietnam. This involved examining past adaptation responses to climate change, their impact on the sustainable livelihoods and welfare of rural households, and the role of institutions in responding to and facilitating external support for new challenges and demands. Using a mixed method, she examined different dimensions of vulnerability and resilience at the household level using panel data from the Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey. She also conducted fieldwork in Thua Thien Hue province and spoke with local people, NGOs, IOs, as well as academics and other researchers in the area in order to acquire first-hand knowledge on the topic.
Prior to joining the PhD program, she worked at the National Assembly of Korea as a policy advisor as well as for the Commission for the G20 Summit which was set up as a focal point to steer the agenda of the G20 Summit in Seoul, Korea. During her time on the Commission for the G20 Summit, she was responsible for monitoring information flow, assembling and organizing information related to development agenda and preparing G20 Communiqués, on a range of global issues, including those for financial inclusion, food security, education and climate change.
Selected Publications:
Lee. S. Household Risk Management and Social Protection: Case Study of Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam. Sustainable Housing 2016, International Conference for Sustainable Planning, Management Usability, Nov 16-18. Lisbon, Portugal: Green Lines Institute.
Lee, S. & Lee, S. The Impact of Floods and Typhoons on Low-Income Housing: Case Study of Vietnam. In Simões, J. M., Marques da Costa, E., Ferreira, C.C., Antunes Ferreira, J., Nunes da Silva, F., Louro, A., & Fontes, I (Eds.) UPE. Paper presented at the 12th International Urban Planning and Environment Association Symposium, May 31- June 3 (p.p 108). Lisbon, Portugal: UPE.
Lee, S. & Lee, S. The Impacts of Sustainability Practices in Affordable Housing Developments: Perspectives of Residents. The 47th Annual Conference of the Urban Affairs Association, April 19-27, 2017, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Documento de analisi/working paper/articolo
Localizing the SDGs through Social and Solidarity Economy
Unrisd Research and Policy Brief n°24
Yi Ilcheong, Lee Suyeon, September 2017