Forum Solidarische Ökonomie (*SÖ)
The Forum Solidarisches Ökonomie (* SÖ) is open to all people, initiatives and projects that want to make Solidary Economy grow into a broad movement. In order to implement the following goals and activities, existing projects and campaigns are supported or new cooperations are initiated:
The Forum * SÖ wants to provide space for exchange and cooperation with each other and strengthen the common identity and connection of the many approaches and « scenes ».
For this purpose, it organizes a nationwide Discussion & Networking Forum (or larger congress) every 2-3 years.
In addition, smaller forum meetings, regional forums and, in the future, an interactive section on this website also support the independent exchange of experience and economic cooperation.
The Forum * SÖ initiates media and educational offers such as films, exhibitions, photo slides, brochures, books and folders, events - also with foreign speakers - and operates an extensive website including blogs and newsletters, the many examples and forms of solidarity economy to make known and to encourage participation and selfmanagement.