Cooperative and Policy Alternative Center (COPAC)
The Co-operative and Policy Alternative Center (COPAC) was formed in 1999 as a grass roots development organisation. It began with an ambition to contribute, through a bottom up practice, to reconstruction and development in post-apartheid South Africa. It has thus orientated itself to build capacity amongst poor communities to achieve self reliant, collectively driven, sustainable and participatory development. As a non-governmental organisation it was initially established as an association governed by a constitution with a governing committee. In 2001 it registered as a not-for-profit section 21 company. During this time it expanded its operations, opened an office and strengthened its board. As COPAC pursued its objectives it has worked with progressive social movements, government departments, township communities and has partnered with several non-governmental organisations.
Building human solidarity to sustain life.
COPAC’s development programs have been guided by the following objectives that are enshrined in its founding documents:
The development of a co-operative movement and sector in South Africa;
The promotion of alternatives that meet the needs of workers, the poor, women and youth.
Uma publicação
COPAC, Co-operative and Policy Alternative Center, South Africa, agosto 2013