Social Economy Europe
Social Economy Europe is the EU-level representative organisation for the Social Economy. Social Economy Europe was set up in November 2000, under the name of CEP-CMAF.
Cooperatives, mutual societies, associations, foundations deemed it essential to establish a permanent dialogue on European policies that are of common interest. In November 2000, they set up the European Standing Conference of Cooperatives, Mutual societies, Associations and Foundations (CEP -CMAF ).
In January 2008, the CEP -CMAF changed its name into Social Economy Europe.
Social Economy Europe works in areas of common interest for its members and, acts in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, ensuring the added value of the organisation’s actions.
Our values:
Social economy enterprises enterprises are distinguished from capital-based companies by a set of specific shared principles and characteristics:
The primacy of the individual and the social objective over capital
Democratic control by the membership
The combination of the interests of members, users, and general interest (society)
The defence and application of the principle of solidarity and responsibility
Reinvestment of the surplus to carry out sustainable development objectives, services of interest to members or of general interest.
Voluntary and open membership
Autonomous management and independence from public authorities
Our vision:
The Social Economy has a broad social foundation and conducts its activities in varied legal forms while demonstrating its competitiveness and its capacity to create sustainable growth and more cohesive, and cooperative societies.
We believe in a more plural, democratic, cooperative and responsive economy
We believe that the Social Economy can contribute to face major social and environmental challenges, through social and environmental innovation.
Social Economy demonstrates that another economy is possible.
Our mission:
To promote the economic and social inputs of social economy enterprises and organisations in Europe.
To promote the role and values of social economy actors in Europe.
To reinforce the political and legal recognition of the Social Economy and of its different forms of enterprises and organisations: cooperatives, mutual societies, associations, foundations, as well as newer forms like social enterprises, at the European level.
One proposal
Social Economy Europe
March 2021
Euricse, Social Economy Europe
Analysis document/working paper/article
The impact of COVID-19 on Social Economy Enterprises
2020 SSE Report
June 2020
Social Economy Europe
One charter/manifesto
Social Economy, a driver of economic and social progress in Europe
SEE Memorandum for the European elections 2024
Social Economy Europe