L’Association européenne des autorités locales qui inventent leur futur énergétique (Energy cities)
Energy Cities is the European Association of local authorities inventing their energy future.
From 2009 to 2011, Energy Cities is under the Presidency of the City of Heidelberg (DE) with a Board of Directors of 11 European cities.
The association created in 1990 represents now more than 1,000 towns and cities in 30 countries.
Main objectives
To strengthen your role and skills in the field of sustainable energy.
To represent your interests and influence the policies and proposals made by European Union institutions in the fields of energy, environmental protection and urban policy.
To develop and promote your initiatives through exchange of experiences, the transfer of know-how and the implementation of joint projects.
2 Analyses/working papers/articles
Vers une ALLIANCE POUR L’ÉNERGIE LOCALE pour stimuler l’économie des territoires
Gérard Magnin, 2012
Energy cities
Nos villes en transition : Vers une qualité de vie pour tous
Edition spéciale 2010 Energy Cities INFO
Energy cities