Federation of Community Forestry Users, Nepal (FECOFUN)
The Federation of community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN) is a formal network of Forest User Groups (FUGs) from all over Nepal. FECOFUN emerged from the idea that forest users from all parts of the country should be linked in order to strengthen the role of Users in policy making processes. Since its inception in July 1995 FECOFUN has grown into a social movement organization with about 8.5 million people represented all of whom are forest users. It is a national federation of forest users across Nepal dedicated to promoting and protecting users rights. The membership of FECOFUN are categorized into two types according to user groups involvement in natural resource management and use rights. Forest User Groups (FUGs) organized under the Forest Act-1993 of Nepal (provision relating to formation of CFUG) are eligible to become general members of this federation and any other user group based on forest resources at grassroots level are qualified to become elementary member. Of more than 15000 Community Forestry Users Groups (CFUGs) and other Community Based Forest Management Groups (such as leasehold forestry groups religious forestry groups buffer zone and traditional forest management groups) in Nepal approximately 13000 are affiliated with FECOFUN.There are approximately 30 FECOFUN employees in Kathmandu and many more in over 250 district FECOFEN offices. FECOFUN is also supported by thousands of volunteers and community forestry facilitators as well as by several national and international organizations.
To develop means of livelihoods and to generate opportunities to reduce poverty through sustainable forest management and utilization of resources, abiding by the approach of consensus in decision making. And, to emphasize the participation of all sections of community and ethnic groups in policy decisions and its implementation through CFUGs to uphold the values of good governance, empowerment, self-respect, self-reliance and the approaches of consensus.
2 Analyses/working papers/articles
Annexes au rapport
Sylvain Pechoux, April 2002
Pays et Agglomérations: les nouveaux territoires de la solidarité?
L’apport des pratiques d’Epargne de Proximité Solidaire
Sylvain Pechoux, April 2002