Journal of Consumer Culture July 2014; 14 (2)
Special Issue: Consumerist Culture and Social Movements
Edited by Francesca Forno, Paolo Graziano, julho 2014

Table of Contents
Edited by: Francesca Forno and Paolo R Graziano
Francesca Forno and Paolo R Graziano: Sustainable community movement organisations
Lindsey B Carfagna, Emilie A Dubois, Connor Fitzmaurice, Monique Y Ouimette, Juliet B Schor, Margaret Willis, and Thomas Laidley: An emerging eco-habitus: The reconfiguration of high cultural capital practices among ethical consumers
Sophie Bossy: The utopias of political consumerism: The search of alternatives to mass consumption
Einat Zamwel, Orna Sasson-Levy, and Guy Ben-Porat: Voluntary simplifiers as political consumers: Individuals practicing politics through reduced consumption
Philip Balsiger: Between shaming corporations and promoting alternatives: The politics of an “ethical shopping map”
Paolo Parigi and Rachel Gong: From grassroots to digital ties: A case study of a political consumerism movement
Colin Sage: The transition movement and food sovereignty: From local resilience to global engagement in food system transformation