Resolution concerning decent work and the care economy

June 2024

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Summary :

The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, meeting in Geneva at its 112th Session, 2024, Having undertaken a general discussion on decent work and the care economy, and duly taking into account the ILO Declaration of Philadelphia (1944) and the ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work (2019), to pursue decent work in the care economy, Adopts the following conclusions;

Invites the Governing Body of the International Labour Office to give due consideration

to the conclusions and to guide the International Labour Office in giving effect to them;

Requests the Director-General to:

(a) prepare a plan of action on decent work and the care economy to give effect to the

conclusions, for consideration of the Governing Body at its 352nd Session (October–

November 2024);

(b) communicate the conclusions to relevant international and regional organizations;

(c) take into account the conclusions when preparing future programme and budget

proposals and mobilizing extrabudgetary resources;

(d) keep the Governing Body informed of their implementation.

Please read the full text of the Resolution for its Conclusions concerning decent work and the care economy.

Sources :