Meeting Bruno Lasnier, MES France: member of Ripess Europe
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - May 2021
Bruno Lasnier, maio 2021
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Resumo :
The Movement for Solidarity Economy (MES), is an association under the French Law of 1901, founded in Lille in March 2002 by the networks initially grouped in the Inter-Réseau de l’Économie Solidaire since June 1997. It is composed of:
Territorial Networks: ARDES (Normandy), APES (Hauts de France), CRE-SOL (Centre), MES Occitanie (Occitania), PES21 (Bourgogne-Franche-Comté)
Federations: ARTISANS DU MONDE (Fair Trade), CNLRQ (Neighbourhood regies), MIRAMAP (Responsible food short circuit), Route des SELs (non-monetary exchanges), UFISC (Culture)
Resource structures: ALICESCOP (citizen and cooperative media), BABALEX (legal citizenship – common and SSE), OPALE (culture and entrepreneurship)
Researchers: Laurent GARDIN (CHAIR’ESS), Josette COMBES (RIUESS), Jean Louis LAVILLE (CNAM Paris), Laurent FRAISSE (College of World Studies)