Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu
Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu joined UNRISD in January 2019 as a Research Analyst. He assists Senior Research Coordinator Ilcheong Yi in the Social Dimensions of sustainable Development Programme. He studied Economics, Politics (B.A. Université Laval 2014) and Public Administration (M.A. Carleton University 2016) in Québec, London, Ottawa and Paris. Before working for UNRISD, he worked for the Quebec government’s social economy team for a year and with Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS), in Montreal, for three years. His main interests include public policies supporting social and solidarity economy, social finance, social innovation, evaluation and social impact measurement.
3 Documentos de análises/working paper/articulos
Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy?:
UNTFSSE International Conference Summary
Yi Ilcheong, Samuel Brülisauer, Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu, Martina Piras, October 2019
Sustainable Development Impact Indicators for Social and Solidarity Economy State of the Art
Working Paper 2019
Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu, Marie J. Bouchard, Marguerite Mendell, May 2019
Les enjeux de la mesure d’impact social
Martin Frappier, Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu, September 2018