Silke Helfrich
Silke Helfrich is a German author and independent activist of the commons who blogs at
6 publicações
Le pouvoir subversif des communs
David Bollier, Silke Helfrich, Editions Charles Léopold Meyer, Paris, France, 2022
The insurgent power of the commons.
David Bollier, Silke Helfrich, New Society Publishers, September 2019
Die Welt der Commons. Muster gemeinsamen Handelns.
Silke Helfrich, David Bollier und die Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Bielefeld, Deutschland, outubro 2015
The Commons strategy group
coedited by David Bollier, Silke Helfrich, The Commons strategy group and Off the Common Press, 2015
The wealth of the Commons. A world beyond Market & State
Edited by David Bollier, Silke Helfrich, Levellers Press, United States, dezembro 2012
Commons - Für eine neue Politik jenseits von Markt und Staat
Silke Helfrich und die Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Bielefeld (Transcript Verlag), April 2012
Documento de análise/working paper/articulo
The Commons- Prosperity by Sharing
Silke Helfrich, Rainer Kuhlen, Wolfgang Sachs, Christian Siefkes, dezembro 2009