Jan Jonker
Jonker is Professor of Sustainable Entrepreneurship at the Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) since 2010. In 2015 he was appointed ‘for life’ on this chair. His work focuses on the role and contribution of strategy and new business models in the transition to an economy shaped around sustainability, social inclusivity and circularity. Meanwhile he has 35 books and over 200 publications on his name. He is known as an activist researcher who wants to realize social movement from an academically-grounded yet practical approach. For him, the great challenge of our times is the transition towards another society. He recently wrote the bestseller ‘New Business Models’ (2014), which has been translated and converted into a Massive Open Online Course MOOC (see website Iversity – Germany). In 2016 - 2017 he conducted a national survey of Business Models for the Circular Economy (BMCE). That resulted in the publication ‘One swallow predicts a lot of good’ (bit.ly/2qYM1h6). The publication will be translated and available as of the Fall 2017. The insights from this research will also be developed into a Toolkit BMCE during 2017, allowing entrepreneurs to shape their own circular business model. He is chairman of the Dutch National research program Sustainable Business Models (2016 - 2020) of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). In June 2017, the second Grant program was launched with a total amount of 2.2 million euros. The intention is that there will be two new programs in the coming years. With a great European team of colleagues, he is organizing five international conferences on New Business Models in succession, started in Toulouse (2016), Graz (2017), Sofia (2018), Hamburg (2019) and Nijmegen (2020). These conferences take place every year in June. This has led to a vivid community of about 100 participants, consciously connected to other networks that engage in sustainable business modelling. These conferences also provide space for young starting researchers and practitioners, in addition to academics. The ambition is to link the output of each year to one or more Special Issues of journals. There is also the ambition to eventually come up with joint (European) research programs. From 2014 to 2016 he was laureate of the Chair d’Excellence Pierre de Fermat of the Midi-Pyrenees region (France). He was also decorated in 2016 with the ‘Green Ribbon’, a Dutch national recognition for his work in the field of sustainability. Contact Details: Prof. Dr. Jan Jonker, Professor of Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University, PO Box 9108, 6500 HK Nijmegen (The Netherlands), email: j.jonker@fm.ru.nl (or) janjonker@wxs.nl
Uma publicação
(red.) Jan Jonker, Hans Stegeman, New Business Models, 2015
2 Documentos de análises/working paper/articulos
Jan Jonker, Anne-Claire Savy-Angeli., July 2015
En route vers l’économie circulaire. Un recueil de récents billets de penseurs et d’acteurs
(red.) Jan Jonker, Hans Stegeman, 2015