IAE de Bretagne Occidentale, Laboratoire ICI, France.
Uma Ferramienta pedagogica
International Guide to Fair Trade labels.
A reference tool to better understand the guarantees of fair trade labels, standards, monitoring measures and how they differ from sustainable development labels
Eugénie Malandain, Aurélie Carimentrand, Alistair SMITH, Ivan DUFEU, Emilie DUROCHAT, Julie Stoll, Samuel FROIS, Sivaranjani SELVARADJ, Kerstin LINDGREN, Dana GEFFNER, Jean-Louis Pernin, novembro 2015
Uma palestra
VIIIemes Rencontres internationales du Réseau Inter-Universitaire de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire, Barcelone : Espagne (2008)
Ivan DUFEU, junho 2008