Shann Turnbull
Author/lecturer/speaker on reforming the theory and practice of capitalism;
Principal: M.A.I Services Pty. Limited providing Management And Investment Services.
PhD, Macquarie University, Sydney, 2001,
MBA, Harvard Business School, 1963,
B.Sc. University of Melbourne, 1960,
Dip. Elec. Eng. Hobart Technical School, Tasmania, 1957,
Flying licenses (non current): Private, 1951; Commercial 1955; Instructor, 1956.
Founder (1975) of Company Directors’ Diploma course;
Founding Life member and Fellow: Australian Institute of Company Directors;
Fellow: International Institute for Corporate Governance and Accountability, George Washington University, Law School;
Fellow: Australian Institute of Management;
Senior Fellow: Financial Services Institute of Australasia;
Fellow: Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators;
Fellow: Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce.
Vice President of Australian Employee Ownership Association (Co-founded 1986)
NSW Executive, Australian Fabian Society;
Management Committee of Catalyst Australia Inc.(Founding Public Officer 2007;
Lecturer, Sydney University, School of Political and Social Sciences;
Member of editorial advisory board: Corporate Governance: An International Review, 1998; Corporate boards: role, duties & composition, 2004; The ICFAI Journal of Audit Practice, 2005; Corporate Governance, International Journal for enhancing board performance, 2006.
AUTHOR of over 600 writings including books:
Democratising the Wealth of Nations, 1975;
Economic Development of Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory, 1977/8;
Building Sustainable Communities: Tools and Concepts for Self-Reliant Economic Change, 1989, revised 1997, (co-author);
New Economics for a New World Democracy, 1994;
A New Way to Govern: Organisations and Society after Enron, 2002;
Academic papers available at:
2 Documentos de análises/working paper/articulos
The Co-operative Land Bank. A Solution in Search of a Home.
From book The Resilience Imperative – Co-operative Transitions to a Steady-state Economy, by Mike Lewis and Pat Conaty
Michael Lewis, Shann Turnbull, 2012
Money, Markets and Climate Change
11th Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, Kingston University, London July 9-12th 2009, with an earlier version presented to the Seventh Annual Conference of the Society for Heterodox Economics, Sydney, December 8, 2008
Shann Turnbull, December 2008