Saw-B (SawB)
SAW-B, Solidarity of the Walloon and Brussels Alternatives, is a pluralistic federation of social economy. It brings together more than 120 social enterprises in Wallonia and Brussels (cooperatives, associations, research centers, etc.) active in renewable energies, solidarity finance, fair trade, local services, recycling, training, etc. Among our members, we also have about ten federations and networks. That’s 15,000 workers.
SAW-B seeks to create a movement for an economic and social alternative. Three tracks are thus pursued:
Defend and represent the social economy at the regional, Belgian and European levels.
Support and promote social economy projects to create new businesses or develop existing ones.
Finally, to make known and to provoke a critical reflection about the economic alternatives, with the workers of the enterprises of social economy and with the public in general.
One video
Ma journée avec l’économie sociale
One case study
Comensia – Les défis d’une coopérative d’habitations
Article SAW-B, 14 octobre 2022
October 2022
9 Analyses/working papers/articles
Le financement de l’économie sociale (1/3) – Les financements privés
SAW-B, September 2021
Mobilité à deux vitesses – Concilier l’urgent et l’essentiel.
SAW-B, April 2021
Une autre gestion est possible! Discussion avec Philippe Eynaud
SAW-B, 2020
Evaluation de l’impact social : Derrière les techniques, des enjeux sociopolitiques
ES et enjeux de société SAW-B
Florence Jany-Catrice, Joanne Clotuch, 2017
Peut-on se réjouir de la naissance d’une économie sociale grecque ?
Quentin Mortier, 2013
Coopératives sociales italiennes : des leçons ?
Frédérique Konstantatos, December 2010
Alliances emploi-environnement et éco-construction Une chance à saisir pour l’économie sociale !
Analyse SAW-B
Marie-Caroline Collard, Jean-Marie Coen, May 2010
eu. Dossier: L’Europe et l’économie sociale
Guide pratique et concret des clauses sociales dans les marchés publics
SAW-B, January 2009
3 articles
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - October 2021
SAW-B, October 2021
RIPESS Europe,
Meeting with Pass-ages – creation of a unique inhabitants’ cooperative project
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - January 2021
SAW-B, January 2021
RIPESS Europe,
And the day after ? For a CoronaReset.
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - April 2020
April 2020
RIPESS Europe,