CSX Network eV
The CSX Network eV is an association of people who work, research, advise or have founded community-based companies on the subject of community-based enterprise. We started as a loose network and decided in November 2020 to found an association in order to be able to promote the notion of CSX more professionally in the future.
CSX ('community supported everything') is inspired by the practice of community supported agriculture (CSA). Its core is the incorporation of prosumers as active participants in running a business, combined with the collective financing of the yearly operating costs. Based on the budget for each new business year, members of the cooperative community formally commit in advance to contribute a share of the costs. CSX thus fosters direct relationships and transparency among all participants, who use community contributions instead of prices to pre-finance their costs, thereby sharing all risks and responsibilities. Many CSX operations are also run on the basis of solidarity-based financing, participatory decision making, co-production, and community-owned property.
Our association sees itself as a lively organization that enables its members and interested parties to learn together and to become and be effective. In accordance with our statutes, we are particularly committed to education, science and research. Specifically, this means we:
inspire and actively support people in founding community-based enterprises,
research practical examples and practices of community-based economics and publish these results,
promote the exchange between existing practical projects.
In our association we rely on co-creation, cooperation and collaboration instead of competition, on direct connections and personal relationships , on transparency and interactions at eye level , on needs orientation and participation, on self-reflection, solidarity and self-efficacy. And we have decided to turn our network into a learning space for diversity and to constantly question old habits of communication and hierarchy.