Thirty Years of Community and Complementary Currencies
2012 Special Issue of JJCRR International Journal of Community Currency Researc
Edited by Jérôme Blanc, 2012

Bringing together 17 new research papers from around the world, this special issue celebrates thirty years of community and complementary currencies, and assesses their impacts, potential and challenges. Edited by Jerome Blanc.
Download the whole issue on IJCCR website.
Editorial Thirty Years of Community and Complementary Currencies Jérôme Blanc D1-4
Historical accounts in the U.S.
Democratizing Money: Historical Role of the U.S. Federal Government in Currency Creation Saul Wainwright D5-13
Selling Scrip to America: Ideology, Self-help and the experiments of the Great Depression Sarah Elvins D14-21
Tax Anticipation Scrip as a Form of Local Currency in the USA during the 1930s Loren Gatch D22-35
theoretical issues
Community Currencies as Integrative Communication Media for Evolutionist Institutional Design Makoto Nishibe D36-48
A comparison in transaction efficiency between dispersive and concentrated money creation Nozomi Kichiji and Makoto Nishibe D49-57
Does Demurrage matter for Complementary Currencies? Hugo Godschalk D58-69
Economic activity without official currency in Greece: The * hypothesis
Irene Sotiropoulou D70-79
shortcomings and achievements
Sustainability of the Argentine Complementary Currency Systems: four governance systems Georgina M. Gómez D80-89
Moral Money – The action guiding Impact of Complementary Currencies.
A Case Study at the Chiemgauer Regional money. Christian Thiel D91-96
Solidarity economy between a focus on the local and a global view Krister Volkmann D97-105
Stroud Pound: A Local Currency to Map, Measure and Strengthen the Local Economy Molly Scott Cato and Marta Suárez D106-115
Local exchange trade systems in Central European post communist countries Jelínek P., Szalay Zs., Konečný A. D116-123
An Empirical Study of the Social Effects of Community Currencies Hiromi Nakazato and Takeshi Hiramoto D124-135
CC Coupon Circulation and Shopkeepers’ Behaviour: A Case Study of the City of Musashino, Tokyo, Japan Ken-ichi Kurita, Yoshihisa Miyazaki and Makoto Nishibe D136-145
A two-marketplace and two-currency system: A view on business-to-business barter exchange Melina Young D146-155
prospects and projects
Emerging trend of complementary currencies systems as policy instruments for environmental purposes: changes ahead? Hélène Joachain and Frédéric Klopfert D156-168
Trophic currencies: ecosystem modeling and resilient economies Marc Brakken, Preston Austin, Stephanie Rearick and Leander Bindewald D169-175