Europe’s energy transition: active energy citizens take ownership

Policy priorities for the 2024 European Parliament elections


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Resumen : sets out policy priorities for 2024 European Elections, in order to ensure the energy transition benefits all citizens.

The need for a just energy transition : The energy transition entails significant societal changes that cannot be achieved successfully without recognizing and empowering citizens and their local communities.

The commons – energy for all : Access to energy is a basic right – essential for heating, cooling, light and transport. As ‘common goods’, fair access to renewable energy sources (wind, sun, water), energy efficiency and other clean energy technologies must be ensured for all citizens, including those experiencing vulnerability or energy poverty.

Boosting the local economy : Energy communities allow citizens and local communities to be involved in decisions about their energy production and consumption, controlling the prices they pay and shielding them from energy crises. They also support education and awareness in the local community, promoting behavioral changes towards energy use. asks candidates and their political parties to agree that Europe needs to:

  • Ensure full and effective transposition, implementation, and enforcement of EU rules to create robust regulatory and enabling frameworks that level the playing field for energy communities in the energy market.

  • Develop an EU-level strategy for how different EU and national actions can support the development of energy communities across different areas of EU policy.

  • Ensure that energy communities are supported through available EU funds and the application of State aid rules, and national funding programmes are developed to help derisk community projects.

  • Encourage inclusiveness in energy communities by lowering barriers to entering such initiatives and by supporting them to take a stronger role in achieving social objectives and becoming more inclusive towards vulnerable and energy poor households.

(from RIPESS Europe Newsletter April 2024)