The Canadien government must deliver on its promise to remove profit from long-term care.
Canadian Community Economic Development Network

Social Solidarity Economy entity description:
The Canadien government must deliver on its promise to remove profit from long-term care.
The Canadian population is the main beneficiary.
CCEDNet is the Canadian Community Economic Development Network
Covid-19 context:
Long before the global pandemic reached Canada, the care of our most vulnerable citizens had challenged many governments, communities, and families. “Care work” was “women’s work,” and therefore underpaid and undervalued. That often meant difficulty retaining staff and inadequate quality of care, particularly in for-profit settings.
When COVID-19 struck, no one suffered more than residents in long-term care. According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, 80 per cent of COVID deaths in Canada have been in retirement homes and homes with 24-hour nursing care.
General description of the Social Solidarity Economy initiative:
The goal is to request the Canadian Federal Government to deliver on its promise to remove for-profit businesses in the sector of care for the elderly and increase support to community-controlled businesses such as cooperatives and non-profits.
To this end, CCEDNet and its members ask the government to include the accelerating the Social Finance Fund program in the post-COVID economic recovery.
Key actions / activities:
A public campaign towards the federal government, letters and messages to Members of Parliament.
Key partners:
Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC)
Ontario Non-Profit Network
Main results and impact:
Recently, in December 2021, the federal government agreed to deploy more intensively the program.