Proposals for a Fair and Democratic Architecture of Power

contribution to the Peoples’ Summit, Rio+20, June 2012

junio 2012

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Resumen :

Building new governance is not only an institutional or theoretical question confined to the political or sociological spheres. All governance proposals and plans depend on the action and mobilisation of a huge majority

of people, actors, movements and populations.

This is a critical issue. And ideas and proposals play a crucial role in such action and mobilisation. This is why we need to remodel governance architecture by incorporating it into the perspective of biocivilisation

for the sustainability of life and the planet. Architecture for a citizen, solidarity-based and fair governance must be rooted in solid ethical and philosophical foundations.

It must also both support and enable a new economy centred on social and environmental justice. What is needed is to work together to devise responses

to today’s challenges, rooted in the contexts relevant to each person and each population. This involves recognizing the different forms of knowledge that exist in all continents, among all peoples, without trying to

impose one of them as the unquestionable reference.

The key conditions for a new governance must be formulated within a critical and democratic approach.