Consumers in Postmodern Society and Alternative Food Networks: The Organic Food Fairs Case in Sicily

NEW MEDIT N. 3/2012

Luigi Cembalo, Giuseppina MIGLIORE, Giorgio SCHIFANI, 2012

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Summary :

New consumption habits stand out against the idea of a rational consumer, which is aimed at maximizing utility according to budget constraint. Presently, people have the tendency to behave differently according to various purchase opportunities; a significant role is played by both ethical sides and selfless motivations.

These new trends fall within the context of a new social paradigm that foresees postmodern society’s rise. Consumers have the tendency to use the market as an arena in which political, ethical and environmental issues may arise, starting a new trend of an alternative consumption called “political consumerism”.

In this paper we’ll try to understand how new consumption habits mirror features of postmodern society, starting with research work on specialized fairs of organic food in Sicily.

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