TOGETHER. How cooperatives show resilience to the crisis
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Resumen :
It’s a reality. In Europe, 1.5 million workers co-own their enterprises. They are called worker cooperatives, social cooperatives or participative enterprises. The documentary TOGETHER reveals, through extensive research and exclusive interviews, why those enterprises show a major resilience to the crisis and its consequences through 4 examples: a mineral water plant in Poland (Muszynianka), a company in crisis transformed into a worker cooperative in France (Fonderie de l’Aisne), a consortium of social cooperatives in Italy (Consorzio SIS) and one of Spain’s main business groups (MONDRAGON Corporation).
Fuentes :
Site de Cecop-Cicopa
Véase también :
ENSEMBLE. Comment les coopératives résistent à la crise
Le imprese “recuperate” in Europa
Articolo de comune-info .net
Riccardo Troisi, November 2013