Pangea Sostenible/Sustainable Pangea
The web-platform Sustainable Pangea maps in a participatory way SSE best practices and social technologies in Latin America. There are articles, pictures, links and information on initiatives within 4 categories: Solidarity Finance, Organic Agriculture, Fair Trade and Community-based Tourism. Currently it is available only in English and Spanish but we aim to translate everything into Portuguese and French soon, and also to expand the work to other categories relating to sustainable development. The Sustainable Pangea articles are also available on the socioeco.org website (Map).
4 case studies
The Community Empowerment International Fund (La Limonada – Guatemala)
Samuel Brizuela, Januar 2013
Pangea Sostenible/Sustainable Pangea
La Base / The Working World (Buenos Aires – Argentina)
Felipe Zalamea, November 2011
Pangea Sostenible/Sustainable Pangea
Prainha do Canto Verde (Ceará – Brazil)
Felipe Zalamea, November 2011
Pangea Sostenible/Sustainable Pangea
Habitat Improvement Workshop - Temha (Filadelfia – Paraguay)
Felipe Zalamea, November 2011
Pangea Sostenible/Sustainable Pangea