Focus on the Global South
Focus on the Global South (Focus) is a non-governmental organisation with twenty staff working in Thailand, the Philippines and India. Focus was established in Bangkok in 1995 and is affiliated with the Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute.
Focus combines policy research, advocacy, activism and grassroots capacity building in order to generate critical analysis and encourage debates on national and international policies related to corporate-led globalisation, neo-liberalism and militarisation.
4 Analyses/working papers/articles
Synthesis of the Proposals in the International Regulations Workshop
Presentation given at the Toubab Dialaw meeting, 19 November 2005, by Julie de los Reyes from the International Regulations Workshop.
Julie de los Reyes, November 2005
Focus on the Global South
A proposal for a radically disempowered IMF, turned into just another actor co-existing with and being checked by other international organizations, agreements and regional groupings. De los Reyes and Bello argue for international regional institutions to supplant the IMF as a regulator of global finance.
Walden Bello, August 2005
Focus on the Global South
Ten Years of WTO: Subordinating Development to Free Trade
In recognition of the « deeply entrenched political and economic interests behind the WTO’s agenda » which lead to its failure to respond to the needs of developing country members, the paper proposes a way forward: strategies for change to shift the power dynamics within the institution. (Article in full, from the journal INTERNATIONAL POLITICS AND SOCIETY, No 2-2005, available on the website: http://www.fes.de/ipg/)
Nicola Bullard, Juni 2005
Focus on the Global South
Ten Years of WTO: Subordinating Development to Free Trade by Kwa Eileen
An assessment of the role and impact of the WTO and its failure to address the needs of developing countries.
Aileen Kwa, Juni 2005
Focus on the Global South
One reader’s report
Reading Piketty I: A Concise and Comprehensive Summary of Capital and Ideology
Walden Bello, Januar 2021
Focus on the Global South