Implementing Universal Basic Income: Meeting Needs Unconditionally | Schumacher Conversations
August 2023

The video : 1:30:58
As the 50th anniversary of Small is Beautiful, 2023 is our opportunity to advance solutions to today’s social, economic, and environmental challenges that build on Schumacher’s original vision.
The Schumacher Center is convening a monthly series featuring New Economic thinkers, builders and activists from a range of fields. “Schumacher Conversations: Envisioning the Next 50 Years” brings together change-makers whose work today is actively shaping a ‘small is beautiful’ future, organized around 12 key themes and fields of activism.
August’s theme is “Implementing U.B.I.: Meeting Needs Unconditionally.”
– Peter Barnes, author of Who Owns the Sky? and Ours: The Case for Universal Property
– Robert C. Hockett, Professor, Cornell School of Law and co-author of Money From Nothing
– Herb Stephens of the Democracy Earth Foundation
– Moderated by Agatha Bacelar, member of the Schumacher Center Board of Directors.