ASEC Team at the Asian People Forum 2018 at Singapore
ASEC hosted a workshop on Nov 3, 2018 during the ASEAN People Forum entitled TRANSFORMATIVE ECONOMIC MOVEMENTS AT THE ASEAN GRASSROOTS: HOPE & INCLUSION
The progamme
1. Dr. Denison Jayasooria, Slides Conceptualizing SDGs and SSE and Comparative analysis finding coherence between Social Solidarity Economy (SSE), Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) & Asean Community Vision 2025
2. Dr. Ben Quiñones, Collective Enterprise as a Workplace: A Philippine case
3. Feedback from WS1 Transformative Economic Movements at the ASEAN Grassroots HOPE & INCLUSION
4. ASEC team at Asian People Forum 2018 Advocating Transformative Economies through SSSE & SDGs